
Audit of Security (GPL)     
Embebed Systems
ISO 17799 (GPL)
Harley Davidson
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The contracted systems are facilitating and reducing the costs of development of applications of hardware that need "an intelligent" system. Absorbing an operating system as Linux we can program it so that it makes a single thing, and it does it well. The shrunk ones have many applications at the present time, are in washing machines, videos, printers, hardware of network, cars, etc.

But the best application for the contracted systems is the development of security hardware, like firewalls, detectors of intrusion (IDS), antivirus for networks, clients and virtual private network servers (VPN), among others.

The objective of the project "security hardware" is to obtain in a first step the development of a firewall of hardware. For it the following sections are due to develop at least:

1.- Definition of the reach of the project and Objectives.
The objective is the firewall creation and installation of a simple one of network, without administration via Web. This firewall flash memory must adapt to the hardware, using, being able to the future update in via "firmware".

2.- Selección de la plataforma de Hardware más apropiada.
The Dimm520 platform of the manufacturer has been selected  FS Forth-Systeme GmbH. This platform counts on AMD a Élan-SC520 microprocessor, up to 16 Mbyte de Flash and 64 Mbyte of SDRAM 2 ports series and 2 buses type DOG, Port Fast Ethernet with memory EEPROM, Port JTAG to facilitate polished of applications the Supervision of feedings and reset. 

3.-Selection of the more appropriate development platform of software for the selected hardware.
Between the possible platforms they have been verified that the following ones adapt to our necessities: Ecos de Redhat, BlueCat de LinuxWorks , Peeweelinux. These platform is perfect for our necessities, depending single on the personal taste to select one or another one . 

4.- Selection of packages.
In this point we already counted on the hardware and the suitable platform of software, and know like using them. Next we will select to the packages and necessary applications for the project. * Ipchains * Minicom.

5.- Development of a version in floppy disk of the project.
Without developing

6.- Installation in the hardware platform.
Without developing

7.- Tests and development of the interface of the user.
Without developing.